Dr. McCormick
ENG 101
Money and happiness are two important aspects or common desires in a person’s life. However, there is an odd relationship between these two aspects. Many people believe that money leads to happiness and not understanding how happiness is not always a result or cause of money. In most cases, money is the key goal of a person’s effort to attain happiness, but people should remind themselves that the path to the goal is as important as the goal itself. In the path of working towards achieving a goal for having an income gives more meaning in a person’s life. Money is the key to help people achieve their life’s purpose and support to the things they care about most deeply, such as family, education, healthcare and adventure. However, money is not the meaning to everything in life. For instance, its value and purpose cannot bring us the greatest happiness in life. In addition, money has its disadvantages and advantages in a lot of rich people’s lives and a few in a poor or middle class people’s lives. Many people would even quit a job which earns a large amount of income to go work for another employer that makes a lower income because they are happier there.
Working and achieving a goal in mind gives people the motivation, energy and positive spirit for all the critical ingredients for happiness. The steps and procedures toward working for achieving a presentable income is the essence to a person’s happiness. In that path, they can earn the greatest experience and memory a person could ever have, which they might cherish forever. They will get to interact and communicate with many different people who may appreciate them for whoever they are. They are able to meet people who will always be a part of their lives, which will give more meaning to their lives. They would be able to experience and adopt many things in their lives such as, learning different things from others, many outdoor activities, etc. People would get familiar with the goal they are trying to achieve and even figure out if it’s the goal they really wanted in life. A person who does not have to work because they inherited or invested a large amount of money will lose the chance or benefit to work for it. People in this category may not know what to do with their money because they get things too easily in life. This will cause them to be unhappy and they are indeed missing out the true meaning of earning money. They are missing out a major and one of the happiest parts of their lives by not working towards achieving an income.
Even though money gives more meaning in people’s lives, it is really not the meaning to everything in life. Money cannot bring people the greatest happiness in life because there are many people who work for a large amount of money and are as miserable and unhappy as anybody else. A number of people would leave or quit a job which makes a large amount of income to go work for another organization that makes a lower income. This is because they are unhappy or uncomfortable with a specific job, or it’s not in their field of interest. However, they prefer working for another organization that pays a lower salary because they are happier, or something in which they have an interest for. In addition, they may prefer working in the field because they find that it give more meaning in their lives. All the people who believe that a large amount of income will maximize their happiness, then just look at the reality where there are plenty of people who seem to have very little money and lots of happiness. In addition, Carl Richards states, “If people believe that happiness can be reduce to a functional equation up to $75,000, then how do we explain all those stories of people around the world with very little money and a whole lot of happiness?” This is clearly saying that even though a lot people might make a lower income, they are happy, pleased and satisfied with their lives as much as those people with a higher income are.
Money has many advantages and disadvantages in a rich person’s life, and a few in poor or middle class people’s lives. There are many clear example and evidence of plenty rich people who are very lonely in their lives because they cannot find the right person to love or a true friend. They have the feeling that these people only appreciate them because of their wealth. Besides, it is crystal clear that relationship is a key element of happiness in a person’s life. The rich people have to take extra care of more assets, potentially raising the feeling of the risk of losing it again. The rich people even fear from the risk of getting rob, which may even cause them to lose their lives. For instance, as Bible 1 by Timothy states, “the root of money is the root of all evil” 6:10. This is clearly explaining the evil, bad and cruel things that people can do for money. However the rich people have a better freedom of independence by having whatever they want or need, that money can buy. They also have the capability to do well with their money by helping organizations for the poor or charities. Many poor people might have to work very hard to provide for themselves or their families. They do not have the freedom to buy whatever they want or need as much as they want to. Many of them would normally get trapped into just working long hours and making more money, while the time for happiness, enjoyment and pleasure are wasted. Claudian states, “The rat racer, subordinating the present to the future, suffers now for the purpose of some anticipated gain.”(qtd. In Ben – Shahar 14). This is when people are sacrificing themselves into more hard work, with the hopes of future happiness. As a result, many of the poor people would get into the uncontrollable habit of becoming more dedicated and involved with making more money. Meanwhile, they fail to realize that they are missing out a big and meaningful part of happiness in their lives. Also, poor people have an anxiety of wanting items which they may not have the capability to afford. However, they are happy and comfortable with their lives as much as the rich people do, or even happier. They don’t have the insecure feeling of people appreciating them for what they have. They also have the capability and advantage to save and spend their money more wisely than a rich person does. A rich person will buy an item and get tired of it quickly because they can find a replacement very easily. Likewise, a poor person will be happier with the same item and will cherish it for a long time. The poor people find that a daily routine is very meaningful in their live which adds up to more happiness. While the rich people will become depressed or unhappy for getting things too easily, and the fact that they are really missing out an important and happy part of their lives by not working at a daily job for a salary.
The relationship between money and happiness have made many people realized what is more important in a person’s life. Indeed, money is the essence for an easier or better life and to support the things people care most deeply for, but at the end of the day is all about how happy a person is with their lives. It doesn’t matter how poor a person is, all that matters is that they are happy with their lives. Happiness is the healthiest growth in a human being life and is something everyone on earth seeks. Not everything is about money.
Work Cited
Richards, Carl. “The odd relationship between money and happiness.” New York Times on the web 29 Oct. 2010. 28 Oct. 2010
Claudian states, “The rat racer, subordinating the present to the future, suffers now for the purpose of some anticipated gain.”(qtd. In Ben – Shahar 14).
“The love of money is the root of all evil.” – Bible 1 Timothy, 6:10.
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